26 Days Remain in 2024
A Question and an Image to Spark Creativity during the #last100days2024
Welcome to my #last100dayproject!
There are 26 days left in 2024.
Today’s questions: How does where you live influence your life?
Today’s image:
For the last 100 days, I invite you to join me and experiment.
Each day for the remainder of the year I will share a question and a photo of an item.
You are welcome to write into the question and/or the photo.
Or you can start a new ritual or experiment of your own creation.
I would love to hear about your progress on whatever project you want to begin!
I do not share drafts of work online because most publications considered this published. You are more than welcome to share your piece in the comments, an excerpt or an update.
I hope for the comments to be a community for us to share these wins.
A little more about me: Tammy L. Evans is a writer, teacher, and coach living in a tiny house on a peninsula with her husband and adventure cat. Her location device is her loud laugh. She is working on a non-fiction book about how to submit and publish your first pieces. She is the creator and host of THE BRADBURY TRIO COURSE. Her poetry has been published in The Storyteller, FoxGlove Journal, Story Hall, Blue Insights, The Partnered Pen, and others. Her fiction has been published in Gone Lawn, Cabinets of Heed, Spelk, Five on the Fifth, Clover and White, Fiction Berlin Kitchen, and others.
i am an accumulating experimenter. This comes from a lifetime lived denying the thing I loved the most as a child. Even got close to doing it, going full out with a degree in university. So this question ties in very well with yesterday's which I will answer at the same time. I seem to fall into pontification often and far too easily which when I encounter it in someone else, I find it excruciatingly boring and rather insensitive... It would be far better to share my accumulated knowledge in a package where people sign in to listen too, like they choose to be there.
so here goes, some workshop ideas:
1. How to be an amateur chorister
2. Cooking beyond the capitalist structure
3. Rewilding and regenerative urban gardening
4. Journaling
5. What learning feeling like and why it's important
6. How to repurpose almost anything from food to orphaned gloves.
7. Urban foraging
8. The 15 minutes city and urban and suburban planning
9. ....
I'm sure I could add more from the list other people give about things I know they would like to know more about. I've been a Renaissance Woman for as long as I can remember. Giving workshops would satisfy the part of me that carries around my "How to do Everything Better Guide" The Surefire Way to make sure everyone else does everything perfectly and alienate all your friends and neighbours, and any family members still talking to you.
Of course where I live is a great demonstration of all of these things as everyroom is like some kind of studio space. Living in suburbia without a car is a challenge as well. However, see above #8.
It's a very noisy way to live, my butterfly mind does accomplish things, however I'm being to desire a new way of being.
Back to practice! I have a last minute opportunily to sing Handel's Messiah tonight. I wanted to write this so I didn't add more to my accumulations of things I want to do.
Great question! There are so many ways to answer this one or look at it. What popped into my head first was that I live in a place where I can walk easily - out the door and into a small Canadian neighborhood where there are a mix of people and types of dwellings (townhouses, single dwelling homes, duplex-type townhouses) and lots of trees and some green spaces. I can also drive 20 minutes to the ocean and walk along the beaches. I'm lucky - I have options. What a great reminder - how fortunate I am. Thanks for this!