57 Days Remain in 2024
A Question and an Image to Spark Creativity during the #last100days2024
Welcome to my #last100dayproject!
There are 57 days left in 2024.
Today is Election Day in the US. Please vote if you are registered. Our voices need to rise up in a way like never before otherwise there will be hellish consequences to pay. As a woman, I am part of a group these consequences would impact directly. Today is an important day.
It is also Llama Tuesday!
Today’s question: What artist date do you need to take?
The task of an artist date is something from Julia Cameron’s The Artist Way program. It is an outing you take alone for the soul purpose of doing something fun. Something your inner child would enjoy. It can be simple, like a trip to the library, or to get a special coffee you like. It can be coloring or a walk at the arboretum. Maybe it is an outing connected to how you answered yesterday’s question of what you think is fun!
Today’s image:
Navy Pier Ferris Wheel in Chicago
For the last 100 days, I invite you to join me and experiment.
Each day for the remainder of the year I will share a question and a photo of an item.
You are welcome to write into the question and/or the photo.
Or you can start a new ritual or experiment of your own creation.
I would love to hear about your progress on whatever project you want to begin!
I do not share drafts of work online because most publications considered this published. You are more than welcome to share your piece in the comments, an excerpt or an update.
I hope for the comments to be a community for us to share these wins.
A little more about me: Tammy L. Evans is a writer, teacher, and coach living in a tiny house on a peninsula with her husband and adventure cat. Her location device is her loud laugh. She is working on a non-fiction book about how to submit and publish your first pieces. She is the creator and host of THE BRADBURY TRIO COURSE. Her poetry has been published in The Storyteller, FoxGlove Journal, Story Hall, Blue Insights, The Partnered Pen, and others. Her fiction has been published in Gone Lawn, Cabinets of Heed, Spelk, Five on the Fifth, Clover and White, Fiction Berlin Kitchen, and others.
Good morning Tammy! You've done it again! We've done it again!? I've just done a bit of writing trying to get a better sense of Time. I'm looking at the Wheel of life (translating from my superb agenda in French from Sujata Vadlamudy). You know? The big stuff wheel? Famille, career, friends, love life, etc. Yep, it looks like a ferris wheel. I've on my second read through the Artists Way by Julia Cameron. Even though I'm not doing all the exercises, I'm getting clearer on my own struggles and understanding myself better. The Artists date is tough. How to have Fun is perhaps my biggest struggle right now. I'm going to an "out of budget" concert this afternoon and and I'm taking all the fun out of it because I'm wondering how to make it count for something on my "list".
I guess I should add "Fun" as a category!
I had a photo I would have shared with you here but it seems it's not available to do so in the comments. I'm learning to listen. As long as we can, learn to stop for a moment and ask ourselves questions like that, then deciding what Good means to us, and we can reach back into ourselves then back up into light, we'll be doing the work we're meant to do. I am here. You are there. You matter. So do I as does this space between. I do love quantum physics!
Do you know the Marginalian? Maria Popova? She sent out a great newsletter today.
Looking forward to the prompt!