97 Days Remain in 2024
A Question and an Image to Spark Creativity #last100days2024 project
Welcome to my #last100dayproject!
There are 97 days left in 2024.
I invite you to join me in an experiment with intention for the last days of 2024.
Please share how the challenge is progressing for you!
I am noticing the image part of this project is having an influence over my notebook. I have been making more doodles as I write in the mornings. It is a playful way to decorate the page and make me happy!
Today’s question: Where is the light coming from?
Today’s image:
I do not share drafts of work online because most publications considered this published. You are more than welcome to share your piece in the comments, an excerpt or an update.
I hope for the comments to be a community for us to share these wins.
A little more about me: Tammy L. Evans is a writer, teacher, and coach living in a tiny house on a peninsula with her husband and adventure cat. Her location device is her loud laugh. She is working on a non-fiction book about how to submit and publish your first pieces. She is the creator and host of THE BRADBURY TRIO COURSE. Her poetry has been published in The Storyteller, FoxGlove Journal, Story Hall, Blue Insights, The Partnered Pen, and others. Her fiction has been published in Gone Lawn, Cabinets of Heed, Spelk, Five on the Fifth, Clover and White, Fiction Berlin Kitchen, and others.
I have two salt lamps in my study room. They emit a low, warm glow. My father's ashes rest in a box near one of them. I say goodnight to the wedding picture of my 21-year-old parents I put up near the ashes. The light comes from the lamp, but my parents still shine brightest in my mind. I miss them and I talk to them every day. And I'm thankful for all they were and still are. The light comes from us because we carry and pass the light of 12,000 generations of humans.