Welcome to Day 9
Day 9:
Inkblots are interesting visual prompts.
What do you see in this image below?
What associations do you have to the words on your list?
What emotions does this conjure up in you?
Does a story emerge?
Set your timer for 10 minutes….and GO!
Happy Writing!
Reflection on your writing:
What surprised you?
Is there something else you want to create now?
Did you use all the senses or just certain ones? Why do you think that might be?
Which Accountability Level Will You Choose?
[You can choose differently each day!]
Just create and keep it for yourself!
Hit reply and send your piece or a picture to me! I will read/look at it and send you good vibes and a thank you.
Find a buddy. Send the email to a friend and send each other your creations.
Post in the comments.
Happy creating!
I love the 10-minute time frame. Amaze yourself with what you can get done!
I first started writing about the deer caught in the headlights and then I saw the figure of a little man standing between the antlers. So my story became one of alien invasion. I like where the inkblot lead me today.