Five (5) Word Wednesday
How A Simple Idea Turned into An Enriching Writing Circle
I have learned countless writing lessons from Kathy Fish . She was the inspiration for sharing a 5 word prompt with a group of writers.
In a SmokeLong workshop, she told the story of a group writing weekly to a collective prompt and giving each other feedback.
Who knew this could be so powerful?
I love this because it is low-stakes for the writers. Everyone gets the words at the same time, so the understanding is that the piece shared is a draft because of the quick turnaround.
I turned this idea into a group of my own with enchanting results!
Each writer would wrote a 750 word or less piece (Story, poem, essay) and shared it in a private community.
Simple and low stakes.
It was a smashing success and fun!
We didn’t overthink it. We experimented. We had fun.
Now, it is your turn!
Here are five words:
umbrella, infinity, chess, sunflower, ignore
I would love to hear about your experience in the comments.
Please note, that publicly sharing your story counts as published!