Happy Beltane!
Today the two prompts I am working with are an otherworldly sound and a 5 sentence story structure.
I thought a lot about my 5 sentence story today. We went to breakfast this morning and I had two ideas on the drive there. I put them in my Keep app when we sat down at our regular table.
When we returned home, I did some reading which fleshed out one of the ideas a bit.
Then I went for a 10 mile walk in the sun.
When I was back home, showered and sat still, then I wrote my 5 sentences (while fighting the cat from wanting to sit on my notebook!)
I am obsessed with museums so an unusual one made it into my prose today. It fits into my DELIGHT theme for the 31 story challenge.
It is a full story, but one I can expand. It is living in my notebook at the moment. I haven’t decided whether to transcribe as I go along or not.
Did you write today?
Before I quit traditional education, I had school traditions I kept up with year after year. One of those was on the first school day of May.
I invited students (And YOU today!) to finish the sentence stem:
One day MAYbe…
Grade level or age does not matter for this prompt. It is universal and always applies.
I saved a few student examples. I try to prompt them with a few ideas like somewhere they may want to travel or a career they would want as an adult.
One day MAYbe the weather will even out and it will actually look like spring.
One day MAYbe I will be a full time writer.
One day MAYbe I will be a princess.
One day MAYbe I’ll stand under blossoming cherry trees in Japan.
MAYbe one day I will finish my TBR pile.
One day MAYbe I will be able to eat pizza for every meal.
I am always looking for the magic. Some days it is easier to find it than others but it usually is in writing!
I invite you to finish the phrase –
Where is your magic today?
One day maybe I will finish my novel and get an agent that gets me and gets my work into the right publishing house and the publishing house edits and designs and publishes my book in a way that reaches young readers and those readers love my work so much that I end up writing more books for them to read and then my work gets translated into other languages and other mediums and I end up looking back on my life and thanking everyone who took a chance on me maybe making it one day.