Pictured above: Disney coffee at the Port Orleans French Quarter resort with my Haunted Mansion notebook in Orlando, Florida
Thank you for joining me for a coffee and a chat today.
Write with me today!
If we were having coffee I would tell you..the time change happened overnight for me but it isn’t that bad this time since I have spent the last week in Eastern time. I still don’t like it. Eastern time is the new Central.
Writing Prompt: Write a story contained in an hour.
If we were having coffee I would tell you… I am back to my breakfast date routine today and I am so happy about it! Chris and I shared our omelet as usual. We did not sit in our regular waitress’ section though. There were no tables.
Over the past week I ate my Mickey waffles which make me happy. I also had a ham and cheese omlete which was tasty as well.
Writing Prompt: Write about a small thing that feels big and special to you.
If we were having coffee I would tell you…I am participating in a month-long Micro Fiction Writing Challenge with SmokeLong Quarterly magazine. We are onto 250 word stories now. I participated in a “Killer Micro” workshop yesterday which was helpful especially in the area of layering story.
Writing Prompt: Write a 250-word story
If we were having coffee I would tell you… I was able to book an after-hours event at Disney for the first time and it was worth it. Seb and I ate several ice creams, had water and soda, and rode on Tron twice. We were able to ride things multiple times because of so few people in the park. It was more special because it was actually Seb’s birthday too.
Writing Prompt: Write a story that is not crowded.
If we were having coffee I would tell you…I have anxiety about checking bags at the airport because Delta lost my bags twice on the same trip. Chris and I had to check bags traveling to Iceland and we had no problems with Icelandic Air. Seb and I each checked a bag with Southwest and had no issues this trip either. My yellow backpack was my carry on this trip and it was so nice to just have one bag to deal with. On the flight back we were able to be in the emergency row and had a bit more room. It was a bumpy flight so we had no service though. Both were direct flights which was less stressful too!
If we were having coffee I would tell you…I ran well while we were at Disney. There is a path that connects the two Port Orleans properties along a canal. When I ran as the sun was rising there were only a few people. It felt good to be with that part of myself that ran first thing to start her day. I turned on the step function on my phone while there and hit 30,000 steps one day! I don’t tend to carry my phone around with me at home so the count isn’t as accurate.
If we were having coffee I would tell you…this week coming up is busy. I have lots of meetings and makeup work for the things I ignored when I was gone. I made it a point to unplug and only answered what was necessary. I wanted to enjoy this time with my son.
I would love to hear something that happened for you this week! Please leave it in the comments!
Thank you for joining me for coffee today. If you write to any of the prompts I would love to hear about it. Tag me if you publish it on your Substack!
A little more about me: Tammy L. Evans is a writer, teacher, runner, and coach living in a tiny house on a peninsula with her husband and adventure cat. Her location device is her loud laugh. She is a reader for Reckon Review. She is the creator and host of the THE BRADBURY TRIO COURSE. Her poetry has been published in The Storyteller, FoxGlove Journal, Story Hall, Blue Insights, The Partnered Pen, and others. Her fiction has been published in Gone Lawn, South Florida Poetry Journal, Cabinets of Heed, Spelk, Five on the Fifth, Clover and White, Fiction Berlin Kitchen, and others.