Yes, that is a bowl of coffee!
Thank you for joining me for a coffee and a chat today.
If we were having coffee I would tell you…Chris and I returned from our Alaskan cruise last weekend with his brothers. The picture above is from the day I had to put coffee in a bowl because there were no mugs at breakfast. When you travel through Glacier Bay National Park no paper products available. All the mugs were distributed to other coffee places on the ship that normally use paper cups.
The trip was amazing in so many ways! We saw glaciers, whales, orcas, otters, dog sled puppies…it was a lot! There were about 4200 guests on the boat plus more than 1000 workers. There were 18 decks. Chris and I were able to listen to Jazz every night. There were comedians and park ranger programs about the area. We met Iditarod puppies and two authors. It was quite the trip!
If we were having coffee I would tell you…coming back to living in the Central time zone has been a process over a few days. Alaska has its own time zone so we flowed between two on the cruise.
It was wonderful to get centered again with having breakfast today too! BREAKFAST DAY! We had our regular food and table. It was nice to be back to our routine.
If we were having coffee I would tell you….the last two novels I read did not seem too long! Lately, the novels I have read feel like they should have ended at the 3/4ths mark but God Of The Woods by Liz Moore and Here After by Amy Lin seemed the perfect length.
If we were having coffee I would tell you….I have been thinking about Sunday Soup. When you Google this term a list of recipes comes up. It looks like a “clean out the fridge” kind of recipe. I can get behind that. Here is a link to one I read: https://stokedathome.com/sunday-soup/
When does summer end for you? This past weekend’s Labor Day holiday is many people’s thresholds for the season since most schools are in session now. It is still summer technically until the 22nd of this month.
At the beginning of the quarter, I made a list of summer things I wanted to do. I did most of them! I participated in the library’s summer reading program and Chris and I went on several picnics. There were many more. In a book I was reading while on vacation the author recommended an Experience list for the quarter and asked everyone in the household ideas to add to it.
Looking forward to the rest of September, we have some exciting events planned. Chris and I are seeing Book of Mormon. I am attending an Alice in Wonderland tea. I am taking my son to Disney for the Not-so-Scary party. Lots of fun is planned! One of the experiences I want to do this fall is go to the Art Institute in Chicago. It has been on the list forever and I just haven’t gotten around to it.
If we were having coffee I would tell you…..I am pondering a #last100dayproject for 2024. I have a list of ideas going. One project centers around questions and is the one I am leaning into this week. Another is about every day objects I own.
If we were having coffee I would tell you…I hosted my write-in on September 5th. It was fun and the writing flowed! It is fun for my writing circles to be together on one meeting.
Select classes and challenges are available in an asynchronous form for purchase! If you enjoy my prompts you can get my 100 Prompt Book here. You can check a prompt out here to judge the style.
If we were having coffee I would tell you…I found an artist Jennie Moran (http://www.jenniemoran.com/) who is intriguing me. She has a book but it is printed in Ireland and I cannot find a copy in the US. I will wait and see if it releases here so I don’t have to pay $20 in shipping!
If we were having coffee I would tell you…Pam Houston’s New Book: Without Exception was waiting for me in the mail when I returned from my trip. It is told in sections, as is her style. I am enjoying this honest book.
If we were having coffee I would tell you…I sent submissions out this week! I had a bit of a drought when it comes to sending work off. I did some revisions this week and was pleased with the outcomes so I sent them out into the world. I hope the readers enjoy them!
On the flip side, I am also considering taking a period of time to not submit at all. To write and revise with no intention of sending anything out or even sharing it. I am still thinking about how this feels, what it means, etc.
A Sunday Bradbury Trio for you
Poems: https://www.escapeintolife.com/poetry/lauren-camp-new-poems/
Story: Lions in the Amazon
Essay: My Inheritance was my Father’s Last Lesson to Me
Thank you for joining me for coffee today.
A little more about me: Tammy L. Evans is a writer, teacher, walker, and coach living in a tiny house on a peninsula with her husband and adventure cat. Her location device is her loud laugh. She is a reader for Reckon Review. She is the creator and host of the THE BRADBURY TRIO COURSE. Her poetry has been published in The Storyteller, FoxGlove Journal, Story Hall, Blue Insights, The Partnered Pen, and others. Her fiction has been published in Gone Lawn, South Florida Poetry Journal, Cabinets of Heed, Spelk, Five on the Fifth, Clover and White, Fiction Berlin Kitchen, and others.
Lots of gems shared, thank you Tammy! I love the front image for your 100 prompts offering!
Thanks for sharing A Bowl of Coffee and a Chat! Yes, lots to love. Lair and Lions 🦁 and $$$ oh my!