My bottomless filtered coffee from Baka Baka cafe in Iceland
If we were having coffee I would tell you…today I am making cabbage soup for Soup Sunday! It is breakfast day! We went to our regular place, but the regular waitress was not there. She had gone home sick sadly. We did see some people yell at the hostess unnecessarily though. Why people think they can bring outside food into a restaurant is beyond me.
If we were having coffee, I would tell you… I listened to Emily P Freeman’s podcast The Next Right Thing and learned about the book, The Magic of Knowing What You Want by Tracey Gee. It talks about how to answer the question, “What do you want?” It can be a hard one! Harder than you think it should be because of all the conditioning we are exposed to. It is a great read so far. One of the activities Tracey invites you to do is write a list of 100 desires. (Emily highlights this exercise as well.)
If we were having coffee I would tell you….I have a meeting with my Trio course people today! I am looking forward to being in some conversation space with them. I was able to spend some time this week walking, running, at the library and at my favorite cafe. I have been doing a lot of reflecting in my notebook and working on my writing!
Here are some photos from this week:
If we were having coffee I would tell you…Chris and I had a lovely date day this week! We went to our cafe and walked to the used bookstore. We tried to walk to the thrift shop but it was closed. We were able to get some errands done too. It was a beautiful day.
If we were having coffee I would tell you…I went to dinner with my son this week which is always fun. Our conversation is always enjoyable. It was last minute this week but it worked out well.
If we were having coffee I would tell you…my brother-in-law signed up for a series of pottery classes. He is an expert level artisan but hadn’t thrown a piece of pottery in almost 30 years! We went out to eat after his first class to celebrate.
I would love to hear from you in the comments even if it is just to say HI!
I wish you a Happy Sunday full of delights! What is something delightful from your week?
A little more about me: Tammy L. Evans is a writer, teacher, runner, and coach living in a tiny house on a peninsula with her husband and adventure cat. Her location device is her loud laugh. She is a reader for Reckon Review. She is the creator and host of the THE BRADBURY TRIO COURSE. Her poetry has been published in The Storyteller, FoxGlove Journal, Story Hall, Blue Insights, The Partnered Pen, and others. Her fiction has been published in Gone Lawn, South Florida Poetry Journal, Cabinets of Heed, Spelk, Five on the Fifth, Clover and White, Fiction Berlin Kitchen, and others.
Went skiing in weather that felt like -26 (I'm not sure what that is in "freedom units", I apologize :) So I'm very jealous of your soup today. If we were having coffee I would ask you if breaking out in hives is normal after getting an acceptance to a lit mag. Oh brains..so weird.
How cheering! I've had the flu since Wednesday and not able to do much. This post felt like I'd gone and done something fun, too!