I’m reading your recent posts early since I’m on fall break and will celebrate with a baby shower for my daughter in Owensboro today. You inspire me to want to do a writing crawl as I visit this city. Also, I want to invite you to write poetry at the ethicalela site this month. We would love to have you at Open Write for our five days of writing later this month.

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Kim! I usually follow the prompts and write in my notebook for the Open Write but will make an effort to comment on the post. Thank you for the nudge.

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Good morning Tammy! At first I thought of negative losses, the kind that make you pine and feel like a tree that lost all its leaves without the glorious transformation of cascading colour. Then I realized there are other kinds of loss that lead to new growth and new Universes that open up inside one's self. I also find interesting things on my walks . This makes my daily walk around my very ordinary, "boring" suburban neighborhood, feel a bit like a treasure hunt.

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