One of the poems I've committed to memory (and featured when I blog), the last two lines give me my mantra: "The pitcher cries for water to carry/and a person for work that is real." Thanks to Tom Romano for opening class with that poem one fateful summer day and you for this prompt.
Today's poem started off a little dark for me. "The people I love the best / do not love me back the same way because / when I leap into love / I leap against the gravity / of logic and rational thought..." I feel this stanza needs a second echo or reflection to be complete. I might revisit this idea later as a sonnet. Thanks for the wonderful poem prompt today.
One of the poems I've committed to memory (and featured when I blog), the last two lines give me my mantra: "The pitcher cries for water to carry/and a person for work that is real." Thanks to Tom Romano for opening class with that poem one fateful summer day and you for this prompt.
Love Tom Romano! I think I heard him speak one time at IRA. Ah, the memories. Thank you for sharing! What is the title of the poem?
Today's poem started off a little dark for me. "The people I love the best / do not love me back the same way because / when I leap into love / I leap against the gravity / of logic and rational thought..." I feel this stanza needs a second echo or reflection to be complete. I might revisit this idea later as a sonnet. Thanks for the wonderful poem prompt today.