Your post sounds like a perfect life - full of books, walking, interesting conversations and good food 😁

I’m curious- do you prefer Wordpress or Substack? I guess they’re both similar platforms?

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Awww! Thank you!

I prefer Substack, by a long shot.

SUBSTACK is much easier to set up and navigate.

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Thank you for sharing your experiences from last week. The accompanying pictures make it all almost as good as being there in person! I am inspired by your views on poetry and can't wait to explore more about Kaveh Akbar. Glad you are home safe and back to more of what you love.

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Thank you so much for sharing your experience at AWP, Tammy! I’ve never been and I’ve always been curious. Looking forward to hearing your takeaways! The pics are super fun to see too!

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“…poetry is medicine…” Amen, sister!

Hugs, I’m sorry you had upsetting news and hope you’re able to put it aside and focus on good stuff. Love the coffee chat!

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Thanks for the coffee chat. 100% agree that poetry is medicine.

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