So interesting to dive into energy fuelling/draining. As an introvert and a highly sensitive person, I need to be very careful about this. It's funny - my extrovert friends are often around people all the time and I need to keep in mind when I get invites that I don't have to say yes. Having said that...I also usually appreciate once I venture out - I just need to put limits on it.

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Other writers fuel me, especially in meetings where we can chat and then write together. Talking about movies or books or stories is very energizing for me.

Being an adult amongst other adults is draining - changing water filters, assembling furniture, making decisions about laundry and dishes and taxes and school fees - ugh. Also, waiting... I am a patient person, but I feel drained when I have to wait an indeterminate amount of time for someone or something to happen.

I need to be more prepared to fill my waiting-for-others time with a good book and to chip away at the adult stuff a little every day instead of waiting for tasks and chores to pile up to damage my weekend...

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I have never done an energy audit, but it sounds like a good idea and will try it and see how things go!

As for what I am reading: I am rereading Memoirs of a Geisha. Learning about the Geisha was a great experience. So many people think they know what Geisha are, but are very wrong. It was written by Arthur Golden. He spoke with a lady that had been a Geisha in the 60s and 70s.

I am aso reading On Writing by Stephen King. Only a little bit in it but I'm loving it already!

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