I love the idea of the idea being like the crow circling and you, the writer, waiting for it to land. There's a quality of patience and anticipation that's neat!

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My 2023 word is EXPLORE. Explore relationships - old and new - to discover surprising layers and intentions. Explore new expressions of my writing. Explore new opportunities to be more deeply creative. Explore new geography and places near and far. Explore inward for a deeper understanding and appreciation of self. I think that's enough!

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Such a great word with lots of possibilities! Another friend chose that word for 2023 too!

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Tammy Evans

Susannah Conway's Find Your Word 2023 has been a real gift. I tried picking a word last year, but I needed to do the WORK that this workbook provided to really get to what I needed for my year going forward (spending some time reflecting, writing, and some Rune drawing all supported the process).

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There is a lot there if you want to dig into the whole workbook! I recently acquired a bag of Runes. They intrigue me but I haven't worked with them much yet.

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My word for 2023 is LEAP.

I will LEAP in 2023 when I commit to a creative Life lived with Equilibrium and with Audacity to finish and submit my Projects.

I often lack the confidence to share/submit/publish my work. I feel my words are not good enough for others to read, that I am not worthy of taking up space on the crowded page. I know I am wrong so I want 2023 to be the year where my body of words can leap and dance for all the world to see. For the page is a stage filled with an infinite possibility for creative performance and expression.

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My word for 2023 is Flow. I am going to surrender to the flow instead of trying to constantly fight against it. I am going to flow where my inspiration and imagination takes me. No struggle, no forcing, no doing - just being.

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