It's an interesting concept, Space. In some ways it makes me think of my Mom the gardener - she often talks about the need to cut back plants that grow and multiply - she is ruthless. If I were a gardener I would likely just let things grow wildly. I don't think I'd have the heart to cut a plant in half.

It also makes me think of budgeting. I've heard that in general, the more income people make, the more they spend. Same with houses - if people buy larger houses, they tend to fill them with stuff whether or not they need that space. My Dad always said he is a fan of a 1-bedroom apartment because it's quick and easy to clean, and he doesn't need to accumulate more stuff.

Your post resonates with me the most about creating space for yourself in the world. Holding space. Teaching people how to treat you. Taking up lots of space even if you think you're too big for the space.

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I love your musings on space and look forward to seeing how the word progresses in meaning in your life as the year continues.

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Interesting! I'm increasingly of the belief that all of life is just schlepping stuff from one place to another, when you get right down to it.

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