You're Invited to a Gathering at the Table
The Feast with Friends that is The Bradbury Trio Course
The Bradbury Trio Course begins February 16th, 2025 and I would love for you to join us!
I envision a virtual dinner party. We gather around a large dining room table feasting on words and conversation. Some dishes may become your new favorites but you will not like the taste of every dish. Opinions will be strong and I will teach you how to harness that passion!
Where did this idea come from??
Raymond Bradbury shared his 1000 day MFA strategy in a speech years ago: to read a story, a poem, and an essay every day for 1000 days.
Since 2016, I have consistently followed this program with direct outcomes to my drafts.
For you, I curate well-rounded readings, provide immersive writing assignments, and provide a community for motivation and fun.
I teach you to collect your own personal taste readings in a systematic way to continue the process long after the course is over.
I invite you to sit at the table with us!
You are welcome to show up how you are.
You belong just by being enrolled. Each person’s experience and insight add to the gathering for everyone.
One of the ways I refuel my creativity is to read. Writers tend to replenish this way. My reading influences my writing. I can also tell when I allow this practice to slide.
I can help you see your writing and reading through a new lens.
In my experience teaching writers of all ages over 28 years I have used mentor texts, or study stories, to provide exemplars of techniques to deepen and enrich your writing. Reading closely [and sometimes slowly] allows you to learn from each piece and apply it to new writing. It is play with words!
In this 4-week course you will write two drafts with the intention of sharing them with a small group of writers. They may be the start of a collection for you! They may be the beginning of you writing again [ and having fun!]
This 4 -week course will begin on February 16, 2025
Registration has begun!! [You can email me right now and enroll and stop reading if you like: bradburytriocourse@gmail.com]
The 4 weeks are a toggle between a Reading Week and a Writing Week.
All the readings are brand new!
Bi-Weekly Readings: You will receive an email every other Sunday with 5 days of curated material. You will receive 5 poems, 5 stories, and 5 essays and some bonus materials and challenges some weeks.
There is a mixture of short and long form pieces. Readings can be internet links, PDFs or Google Docs.
The reading requires approximately 2.5 hours per week plus reflection time/note-taking.
Think of these reading weeks as a personal reading residency. Set up a special ritual reading time with a specific drink or place. It can be the excuse you need to read during the day!
Bi-Weekly Writing Assignment: The writing assignment is a response to the readings. Weekly assignments will be due on Fridays in the WetInk platform.
Three live meetings!
An introductory call to answer questions and meet each other.
After each writing week we will meet to discuss the readings and the process of the writing assignment.
A Doodle poll will help determine the best time for everyone to join live meetings.
Bonus material: Bonus readings and writing assignments may be assigned, but not required.
Are you ready to enroll?
Course Price: $99
To enroll send an email to: bradburytriocourse@gmail.com and I will send you the payment information.
Your payment confirmation will be your confirmation to the course. Space is limited.
Questions? Send an email to bradburytriocourse@gmail.com
A little more about me: Tammy L. Evans is a writer, teacher, and coach living in a tiny house on a peninsula with her husband and adventure cat. Her location device is her loud laugh. Her poetry has been published in The Storyteller, FoxGlove Journal, Story Hall, Blue Insights, The Partnered Pen, and others. Her fiction has been published in Gone Lawn, Cabinets of Heed, Spelk, Five on the Fifth, Clover and White, Fiction Berlin Kitchen, and others.